Dear Readers,
I have moved the blog to
See you there and i am looking forward to your support and feedback.
So... i will not be updating this blog but i will continue blogging at instead.
See ya.
Yew Heng Chiong
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Copywritingbreakthrough Has Moved House
Posted by
Yew Heng Chiong
1/13/2008 09:39:00 PM
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Watch Jo Han Mok's Live - Sales Letter Critique
Watch Jo Han Mok critiques sales letter. He will talk about headline and what constitute good headline.
If you enjoy this video, you will probably discover more Internet Marketing gimmicks from Jo Han Mok at
Take just short 3 minutes and you will realize how much more you can learn from Jo Han Mok on internet marketing.
Crack your own internet maillionaire code?
Now you have a choice, with Jo Han Mok help.
Posted by
Yew Heng Chiong
11/07/2007 07:27:00 AM
Friday, November 2, 2007
Where Should You Place Your Google Ads?
I have just read one of the article written by myself at articledashboard at
What amaze me is how articledashboard strategically place the ADsense Advertisement.
See Below:
You probably have already realized that the Ads is place after a question in my article.
The Ads start after i ask the quesion: "What is 'The Pattern Of Self-Made Millionaire'? Let's find out more…."
Don't you think this is sneaky way of putting your Ads. Ads Positioning wise, this is simply awesome.
Just wonder what is the click trhough rate for the Ads here.
Psychological, the Ads placement will drive people to click more readily than where the Ads are place at other part of the article.
So, this is a lesson on where you can place your Ads for maximum click through.
Posted by
Yew Heng Chiong
11/02/2007 01:55:00 AM
Thursday, November 1, 2007
How To Surmount The Constraints Of Email Marketing
This is an article from Internet Marketing Guru's Jo Han Mok on email marketing. Understand this... email marketing is part of copywriting. Most people don't buy from you the first time when they read your sales letter for the first time. You need to capture their email and sent them messages to warm them up and train them to be receptive to your "call to action (sales)" at a later stage.
Do this right, you can practically smell a influx of quick cashes pouring in...
Here is his article with my comments in between.
Email marketing is the revolutionary way of selling ideas or products to clients through the use of emails. It took then place of snail mailing or sending product information through the post office.
Email marketing is now widely used by internet marketers, not only for product information but to acquire as well as maintain their clients. Others use email marketing to keep important information about their clients and use these to profile them as to their wants and interests.
To say the least, email marketing has become a very useful tool as it is not only efficient but also cost effective. Imagine the time it would take and the cost involved in sending thousands of letters just to announce your product to prospective clients. With email marketing, you can send any information, at any time and with the least cost.
My comment
>>> People don't buy from you the first time. You need to warm them up by building a relationship with them through email marketing. This way, not only will they buy your product, they could possibly buy your other products or products that you recommend in the future. Nice idea. :-)
However, despite the advantages offered by email marketing, majority of those who are using the strategy to market their products are faced with some difficulties identified with email marketing.
If you come across a website asking you to sign up for a free newsletter or free recipes, would you sign up and reveal your email? A recent survey revealed that 83 people out of 100 would not reveal their email, for fear of safety issues.
This is one among the many constraints faced by email marketers. How can they encourage prospective clients to sign up and reveal their email addresses when the clients are hesitant to reveal their emails for fear that it will be used for the wrong reasons?
Other prospective clients do not wish to reveal their emails for fear of receiving spam or unsolicited emails. This is a valid fear because most often spam messages crowd out emails more than the important messages. Most email accounts are cancelled by the site administrators because they have reached their maximum amount of messages, no thanks to spam.
Make sure you avoid these pitfalls in email marketing by committing to keeping your prospective clients' email addresses safe.
So how will you encourage prospective clients to sign up for your newsletters despite their fear of being bombarded with useless and irritating emails? For one, dangle something that would make them drool. If your target clients are female members of the spending public, then look for topics that are close to their hearts and which would make them sign up and reveal their addresses despite their fear.
One strategy is by offering them topics that will be very useful to them like free recipes, household tips, lifestyle articles, beauty and fashion-there are lots of topics that would interest this lot. For the male clients, why not dangle topics on racing, motoring, all about cars, or how about beautiful women?
By featuring interesting an d useful topics on your newsletters, your clients will look forward in receiving emails from you rather than dread the though of being bombarded with useful emails. Ask your prospective clients what their interests are so you would know what topics will be useful for them. Remember, knowing your market is already an edge in the competitive world of email marketing.
But offering prospective clients with informative and interesting topics is not enough. You should emphasize that your site commits to the protection of their privacy. How can you conduct effective email marketing when your prospective clients would not even sign up and reveal their email accounts for far of being hounded by spam?
My comment
>>> You can put up five bullets in your opt-in page to entice them to sign up. How? Do you know that "Curiosity kills a Cat". Threat them like a Cat! Kill them with curiosity in your bullet. If you tease them enough in the bullets of your opt-in page, they will giveaway their name and email. For reference on how to write an sizzling awesome bullets, take a look at
Be affront with your future subscribers. You have to understand their fear of not getting the privacy they deserve and assuage this fear by confirming that your company adheres to email best practices and that you do not sell email addresses and that their accounts would only be used for the very purpose they intended in signing up.
Despite the efforts of legitimate organizations to protect their clients from spam, unwanted email messages continue to flood email accounts and this is becoming the number one problem of email marketing. How can your clients read through your emails when they have to wade through numerous spam emails? Others just delete all the messages at one time, including the informative newsletters you send them.
The other constraints faced by email marketers are mostly related to their individual methods and styles of sending newsletters. These involve informative versus uninformative articles, problems with auto responders, best time to send emails, and other constraints that are best addressed by the email marketer. Whatever, these constraints are, they can definitely be solved with a proper review of one's email marketing strategies.
Jo Han Mok is the author of the #1 international business bestseller, The E-Code.
He shares his amazing blueprint for creating million dollar internet businesses
Posted by
Yew Heng Chiong
11/01/2007 10:21:00 PM
Monday, October 29, 2007
Jo Han Mok & Matt Bacak's Internet Money On Demand System
On the 30th Oct 2007, Jo Han and Matt will be sharing with us a Internet Money on Demand System ( a ATM system where you can draw money as and when you WANT)
Sound unbelivable... i know. ( i has already paid the $19.95 to join the conf call)
Why do i do that?
Just one thing in the sales letter entice me to put my money down to join this hype-up conf call.
If you visit their sales page and scroll down to the bottom of the johnson box where the "Jo Han & Matt" video is, you will see this:
Here's what you don't need to get started with our system: don't need to build a large mailing list! don't need a high-traffic website! don't need to be a well known expert! don't need to have an advertising budget!
On first don't need stuff is that bullet that captivate me and make me want to find out what is this Internet Money-on-demand system where i do not need a large mailing list to succeed.
Come' on. Every Internet Marketers know that we need a large and active mailing list in our Arsenal to succeed online.
As a copywriter, i also like to study his sales copy at
The headline is awesome. This is the headline "Engineer MASSIVE Cash Windfalls As Fast As Humanly Possible… And Without Limit?"
This is a "give you what you want" type of headline.
Most Internet marketers want to generate MASSIVE cash windfalls as fast as posibble but do not know how.( even after purchasing all those ebooks which turn into digital dust and coaching session from Gurus...)
Jo Han and Matt meet all Internet Marketer in the mind at the headline by pressing the right emotional button.
Let's look at the subheadline. Here's it goes "With Machine-like Repeatability And Formulaic Certainty?
It's Certainly Not Your Fault If You Can't..."
The subheadline telegraph to us that a system will be revealed to you ( some sort of sure-fire money making system). This can be consider as a form of guarantee to us that the system do work. Next the "not your fault..." part bring Jo Han & Matt from superhero status to someone who understand those so call Internet marketers who have not been seeing result in their bank account.
This "not your fault..." message also reveal something very intriguing that Jo Han and Matt will going to show us... some sort of "missing link" that we can possibly propel Internet marketers to build them own Internet ATM machine.
From what i see, this are good headline and subheadline. I will swipe from them in my future copywriting assignment.
My the important quesitons are:
1) Will Jo Han & Matt do an upsell during the conf call? (normally they will not do that for a paid teleseminar. They only do it for Free teleseminar. Having said that, we know that marketers are alway selling. Let's see)
2) What exactly is this Internet Money demand system that do not required a large list? (even if you are selling other people product, you still need a large & active list to be successful)
After i have attend the teleseminar, i will reveal more of it here....
Watch this space.
Posted by
Yew Heng Chiong
10/29/2007 07:42:00 PM
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Give Them The Recognition!!!
Yes, give your readers the recognition.
Generally, people want others to praise them even if they denied it.
We feel good when people praise us. As i have read a quote somewhere that said "People will work for a job, but they will die for a ribbon"
Yes, they will die for recognition and praise.
Inside all of us, we want to feel that we have done the right thing, make the right decision.
So how do we leverage on this?
Simply give the recognition to your readers or customers.
For example, when your readers scroll down the sales copy, let them know that they are making the right decision to read on.
Or when your customer have just make a purchase from you, congradulate him for making the right decision.
You see... people can never have enough of praise and recognition, just like they can never have enough of money.
What will it cost you to give them praise and recognition. Nothing.
Sometime, you may want to share some secret with your readers or customers to make them know that they are important enough to justify for these insider secrets to be reveal to them. This will definately make them feel very good indeed.
Or sometime, you may want to give them a gift to thank them for being your loyal customers.
However, please be sincere in showering your praise. Do it if you mean it from your heart.
Write from your heart and you will never go wrong.
Posted by
Yew Heng Chiong
10/28/2007 07:50:00 AM
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
People Don't Listen To You Unless They Know You Care
This is the basic of copywriting.
People will not read your sales letter unless they know you care for them.
You need to write in such a way that your readers feel that you write with their best interest at heart.
That's why you need to be sincere in your communication with them. People can sense your sincerity, you know.
Always strike for a WIN/WIN relationship with your prospect.
If you have a valuable product that you think will benefit your readers, then let them know. It is YOUR JOB to market well to them so that they can purchase your product to enrich their life.
You own it to yourself to make that money for food to your family, salary to your employeees etc.
You also own it to your readers to convince them to see the value in your product and buy it, comsume it and enrich their life or advance their goals.
You see...
If you are not a good marketer or copywriter, you are ripping not only yourself off. You are ripping others off as well.
So as an internet marketer, you need to learn to be a master marketer, superb salesman and copywriter.
There is no better way to further your education on copywriting than to learn it from a retired muti-millionaire who has make all his money from Internet marketing.
Check him out at
This special report will reveal to you one of the critical mastake that most internet marketers make... they focus too much on the wrong thing. Go check it out and decide for yourself if you make the same mistake as well.
Posted by
Yew Heng Chiong
10/09/2007 06:53:00 AM