What does Leadership got to do with Copywriting?
Undestand this.....
Your sales copy is written soly for your visitors, to move them to take a certain action ( whether to drop their name, email or order your product etc ).
That's why you need to understand the psychology of your readers.
Most people lack the self confidence in themself and in using your product or service.
Generally, they feel "inadequate".
It is your job as a copywriter to lead them to take the neccessary action to do the thing that you want them to do.
Let face it...
Even if the reader want to buy your solution after your salescopy, he/she will not buy because they feel that they may not able to fully use your product/service.
Not because of any problem in your product/service, but because they are unsure of themselve.
Lead them... give them an impression that you know what you are doing. Be authoritative and guide them all the way from the beginning to the end until they take the neccessary action that you have plan in the very beginning.
Copywriting is about understanding the psychology of your reader and capture their emotion, directing it to take the action.
Emotion drive action.
Do you agree?
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Leadership And Copywriting
Posted by
Yew Heng Chiong
5/27/2007 05:52:00 AM
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Relationship In Copywriting
What does relationship got to do with copywriting?
The reader of your sales copy is a real 'Life' Human being, not some UFO or allien.
You need to build relationship with the reader in your seles copy.
You need to know who your readers are... for example if you are targeting Female lawyers, you need to find out what make them click.
Do your homework by hanging around with them, understand their lifestyle, read their blog, find out everything you can about them.
Most importantly, you need to understand their language.
Visualise yourself talking to a Female lawyer and charge up your emotion before you put pen on paper to write the sales copy.
In so doing, when you write your copy, at the emotional level, you can make an instant connection with the them (even though they are words in print).
In NLP context, you are modeling after their likeness. People bond well with people just like themself.
Your words in print bring rapport to them in an instant. It's magical.
Another way is to get them involved.
How can you accomplish that in print?
Well.. you can simply ask a question and give them a few options to choose by clicking on the checkbox beside them.
Are there participation? Absolutely!
Do they feel better related to you? You bet!
Not only do you build relationship with your readers in your sales copy, you also need to get your readers to built relationship with your product/service.
Yew Heng, how can we do it in a print?
Simple, just use use word like Imagine. For example,
Imagine you take home this awesome package and open up and take up those DVD and listen to them.......
Do you feel involved with the package by those words?
Just like a real life, it is the same as in print.
Posted by
Yew Heng Chiong
5/26/2007 08:26:00 AM
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Get Into Your Prospect Brain
On of the secret in writing a compelling sales copy is to understand your prospect ( his frustration, need, hope, fear...)
Next, you will need to press their hot button to get them hook onto your sales copy.
In the late Gary Halbert own word, he said "You need to know thing that other don't know".
For example...
Say you are going for this mega party and then you notice (just like any other man) an attractive and sexy lady.
This get all the man excited.
Every single one of this man is trying to strike a conversation with her and get her hook up.
Some tell her that they are self-made millionaire with big bungalow and successful business...
Some tell her that they are king from a certain nation....
Some even tell her that they are Mr universe, show off their well tone muscles....
Yes... they kinda get her interesting but none really get her hook to the extend of following them home.
Now imagine a nerd approaching her and speak a few words with her.
Immediately, you see a response from her.
Her eye glow, her face beam...she is all charge up and excited.
The next thing you know is that she is following him to his bicycle (this nerd can't even afford a car ).
Why is this so?
He know something about his girl that none other know.
The nerd know how to press on the hot button that will trigger this beautiful woman.
Knowing that she is a hard-core heroine addict, he offer her some good quality cocaine and show it to her. (inviting her to his house to taste it)
Will she not response?
Of course she will!
This is her need and this nerb has identify it, show it to her and capture her.
I summarized it in this three simple steps:
1) Identify your propect need or fear or hope.
2) Show them the solution and give them what they want.
3) Ask for order or whatever you want them to do.
Though this example is a bit outrageous. It demonstrate what i mean by understanding your prospect or what Gary Halber put it "you need to know thing that others don't know".
Posted by
Yew Heng Chiong
5/13/2007 12:56:00 AM
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Copywriting Is All About Them, Not You
Picture this....
You came back from a holiday.
And you are all charged up and excited.
During the trip, you have captured the highlights of some terrific photos.
On your return to home, you race over to your good friend, Albert's houseand show him your excitement and photos....expecting him to share your joy and excitement.
You expect him to say: "Whow! Awesome trip. Tell me more...pse?"
To your utmost disappointment... he did not. Intead, he say "This are good pictures. Hey, want to see some of the pictures i took with my girlfriend at her birthday last week? You should see how cool she look....."
In the real world, everyone is interested only in themselves.
Albert is your friend and know you. Somehow, he is still interested in himself and his world rather than your world.
Now how about a stranger reading your sales copy on the Web?
This self-interest fact will be magnified many many more times right?
A good sales copy should have more count of "You" rather than "I".
It's all about your readers, my friend... not about yourself.
Put your ego aside in writing a sales copy and emerge yourself into your readers world... visualise their needs, pain, want, desire..... and do your best to fulfill them with a solution or product.
As a rule of thumb, you should have 80% or more mentioned the word "You" than the word "I" in your sales copy.
Posted by
Yew Heng Chiong
5/08/2007 07:41:00 PM
Sunday, May 6, 2007
The Power Of Words In Copywriting
The Power of Words in copywriting is trememdous.
In copywriting, you must know how to use the right words to trigger the right emotion of your reader, get them into the right reaction to buy thing from you.
If you have not already know, you measured the success of your sales page by the number of conversion you get from visitors reading it.
If you got a 5% conversion rate, you can do better. If you got a 10% conversion rate, you can still try to do better... there is no end to how far you can go.
This is Direct Response Marketing in a nutshell. Everything that you do here must be measured by the result from the outcome of what you want.
In the case of a sales letter, you want them to take action to buy from you. Period.
Nothing more and nothing less....
Here is an example of two letters that you can sent to your mum. In each of the letter, you will get different reaction from you mum depending on which one she read.
Why the different reaction?
Read on to find out....
By the way, this two stories come from the Late Gary Halbert.....
Letter 1#
Dear Mom, I’m very busy right now and I don’t have time to call so that’s why I’m writing you this letter. You know mom not only are you responsible for my very existence, you are also the nourishment that has made my life sparkle.
I’m under a lot of stress right now and for some reason, I started thinking about you. It has occurred to me that maybe I haven’t let you know recently how much I appreciate you and how much I love you.
I especially like remembering you and then I have them fill in something special like, on my 18th birthday when you gave me that gold Rolex watch, or whatever it was. Anyway, I’m going to make it a point to see you just as soon as I can and then you sign love, and your name.
Letter #2
Dear Mom, If I weren’t such a long way from home, I probably wouldn’t have the guts to tell you this but the following has been true ever since I was born. You have made my life a living hell.
Every person I know has a mother that is superior to you in every positive way imaginable. You are nothing more than a wrinkled up old bitch and as far as I’m concerned, the biggest waste of skin God ever created.
Speaking of God, as the good Lord knows, you’re certainly not too mentally swift either. So just in case your low IQ keeps you from understanding what I’m trying to say, let me make it perfectly clear.
And then we have a subhead. Eat Shit and Die. Please don’t call or write me. I have no inclination whatsoever to communicate with you ever again. Reluctantly your son or daughter, you sign your name and then it says P.S. dad sucks too.
Think about it....
The effort you use to write both letter is almost the same.
The cost of paper for writing this two letter is also the same.
The cost of postage that you paid for the letter to your mum is the same.
Then what is the different that cause such a drastic different in the reaction from your mum?
It's the words you use in print.
If i mentioned the word "Farmer", you will associate it with someone who is humble, hardworking and honest.
However, if i mentioned the word "Tax collector", you will associate it with someone who is shrewd, cunning and not truthworthy.
See.. it is what you say in print that make the different in the reaction of your reader, not so much of how you say it.
Posted by
Yew Heng Chiong
5/06/2007 04:39:00 AM