Friday, July 27, 2007

One Important Lesson Jo Han Mok Teaches Me On Copywriting

This is a very important lesson that i have learnt from Jo Han.

The lesson is not only applicable to copywriting but also to advertising and creation of product.

If you know it, you can almost sell your product at a higher price and people will come to your doorstep to ask for the order.

It's that powerful.

Well... it is call reframing.

If you have seen a piece of art at the marketplace, you would probably not pay attention to it.

What if the same piece of art is frame up with expensive golden frame and put up in your city popular art museum?

Will the value goes up?

Will people pay more attention to it than before?

You bet!

I have a confession to make.

In my previous post on the "two letter" headline written by Jo Han, i have an intention.

My intention is to get you see Jo Han Mok's MeetPillGates sales letter so that you can make a purchase (so that i can keep the 100% profit).

What the Heck is wrong with my intention?

Nothing. It is absolutely alright that i recommened you, my precious reader, to a high value product in MeetPillGates.

But what is wrong then?

I introduce you to the sales letter with a frame of mind on learning how to write better sales letter.

What i should have done is to introduce you to the sales letter with a different frame.

Yes, a different frame.

This is how i should frame it. The PillGates principles are highly "powered pack" with lot of money making ideas on how to profit selling offline physical product. Though PillGates criticises the profit making opportunity selling digital products on the Internet, some of these principles are also applicable to selling digital product.

Mind you, the principles have already help PillGates to make his 18 million dollars.

What if you can just profit a few percentage of what PillGates has achieve?

Won't it be nice.

Here, i strongly recommend you to get a copy of the MeetPillGates principles at

As you read the MeetPillGates sales letter , you will discover how hard Jo Han has work to gain access to those principles, if not you can then decide for yourself. (Jo Han is a lazy ass.. he rarely work hard)

This is reframing in exhibition.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Check out My Copywriter ( It writes click-bank style sales letters automatically.